Nigerian Police need to be generating revenue
If the government is serious about fighting bribery and corruption, then it should reshape the concept of policing in the country. Why do I feel like Nigerian Police is the only huge body that is not generating revenue? Most of the cases of bribery and corruption in this country are being patronized by police. Most of us were compelled to be corrupt because that’s the only way we can act normally in Nigeria. Whenever there is a case and police involved, then an incidence of bribery and/or corruption will likely occur. I carefully looked at the structure of policing in Nigeria. The revenue allocation for administrative duties of Police Service Commision is relatively inadequate due to Nigeria’s high population demand. More interesting is that there is no reliable and formal source of revenue generation in Nigerian Police. For example, bail is free, if you pay for it, it is corruption, what is the logical wisdom behind saying that bail is free? Therefore when you go to a police station ...